Automatic Backups With Task Scheduler
Program the Windows Task Scheduler to automatically backup your drive. Here is what you need to do:
For help on the Windows Task Scheduler consult the Microsoft Help.
Valid command line parameters for DIXML
/bx | backup drive x, e.g. /bc |
/tx | write backup files to x, e.g. /td:\backups\drive_c |
/r | raw mode, e.g. /r or /r- |
/s | split image, e.g. /s or /s- |
/c | compressed, e.g. /c or /c- |
/v | try VSS first, e.g. /v, do not use with /l |
/l | try locking first, e.g. /l, do not use with /v |
See also: Restore an Image, Browse an Image, Drive-to-Drive, Partition a Drive