Automatic Backups With Task Scheduler

Program the Windows Task Scheduler to automatically backup your drive. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Start the Task Scheduler from DriveImage XML or from your Control Panel.
  2. Double-click New Task
  3. Fill the field labeled Run  with the name of the DriveImage XML program and some parameters, for example:

    "C:\Program Files\Runtime Software\DriveImage XML\dixml.exe" /bF /t"C:\My Backups\drive_c"

    This will backup drive F: to C:\My Backups\drive_c.XML and DAT.
  4. Fill in the remaining fields, such as password and time the task should run.

For help on the Windows Task Scheduler consult the Microsoft Help.

Valid command line parameters for DIXML

/bx backup drive x, e.g. /bc
/tx write backup files to x, e.g. /td:\backups\drive_c
/r raw mode, e.g. /r or /r-
/s split image, e.g. /s or /s-
/c compressed, e.g. /c or /c-
/v try VSS first, e.g. /v, do not use with /l
/l try locking first, e.g. /l, do not use with /v

See also: Restore an Image, Browse an Image, Drive-to-Drive, Partition a Drive

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